Importancia clínica de las quejas subjetivas de memoria en la detección precoz del deterioro cognitivo leveel rol de la familia
- Laura Moro Murcieg
- Antonio Sánchez Cabaco
ISSN: 1130-8893
Year of publication: 2024
Issue: 62
Pages: 161-188
Type: Article
More publications in: Familia: Revista de ciencias y orientación familiar
There is great clinical interest in optimizing the diagnostic process of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and the evaluation of subjective memory complaints (SMC) reported by the subject himself or his informants, which could be the tool to use for this purpose. Objectives: to determine the clinical importance of SMC in the early detection of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and to objectify the role of key informants in the evaluation of memory impairment. Method: Literature review and qualitative and quantitative analysis of the information collected. A total of 30 articles are included for its development. Results: On the six topics in which the collected information is organized, there is a discrepancy of results between the different investigations, although there seems to be evidence with sufficient solidity to make certain statements. Conclusions: The SMC are predictive of progress to MCI years before the start of the notable deficit in objective performance tests, so they are a good early indicator of deterioration. Although in the initial moments the complaints of cognitively healthy patients more accurately determine their performance in objective tests, a reduction in awareness of the deficit is common as it progresses, which makes the assessment provided by close informants essential. These reports are not without bias and more research is needed in this regard.
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