Efectos del mindfulness en la reducción del estrés de los estudiantes universitarios (revisión sistemática)

  1. Alba Villasán Rueda
Inclusión y perspectivas pedagógicas en el ámbito social
  1. Diego Gavilán Martín (coord.)
  2. Gladys Merma Molina (coord.)
  3. Alejandro Sánchez Ronco (coord.)

Publisher: Octaedro

ISBN: 978-84-1079-021-6

Year of publication: 2024

Pages: 294-303

Type: Book chapter


In recent years, third generation therapies have made their way, pushing teachers and researchers to investigate these aspects further. The present communication consists of a systematic review of the current scientific literature to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions based on mindfulness for reducing academic stress and improving the well-being of university students. To this end, an exhaustive search was carried out in different databases, identifying a total of 10 studies that met the selection criteria, published in the last 10 years. This review becomes relevant due to the investigation of mindfulness in different scenarios and its implication when developing prevention and training programs. The results found suggest that these interventions can be effective in reducing levels of stress, anxiety, and psychological distress, when experimental groups are compared with control groups. However, even with the present limitations, the review that has been carried out has allowed us to conclude the important role that the use of this type of interventions plays in reducing student stress, which is extremely important to have, considered in prevention programs with the aim of avoiding its serious consequences as much as possible.