Proyecto interdisciplinar, «escuelacomunidad olímpica»

  1. Peixoto Pino, Lucía
Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación

ISSN: 1579-1726 1988-2041

Year of publication: 2014

Issue: 25

Pages: 140-143

Type: Article

More publications in: Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación


«The School Olympic community» is an interdisciplinary Project carried out in a public primary school in Galicia which coincides with the 2012 London Olympic Games. Using the Olympic Values established by the COI in its program «teaching through values» as the foundation, we constructed a series of didactic materials related to the different subjects of the curriculum in order to be able to convey the true value of sports and the Olympic spirit in a lively manner. It is because of this that all of the commemorations and complimentary activities were related to the same theme, and at the end of the program we held a closing ceremony for our Scholars Olympic Games during which we received a visit from a member of the COE and a 2 time Paralympic medal winner. This article is no more than an example of, on the one hand, how to work on coexistence though a project that unifies the diverse fields of study and work teams within an educational centre and, on the other hand, an example of how to bring the wealth of sports to the whole of the educational community

Bibliographic References

  • Arias, A., & Arias, D. (2009). O traballo por proxectos en educación infantil, primaria e secundaria. Santiago de Compostela: Xunta de Galicia (Consellería de Educación e Ordenación Universitaria).
  • Durántez, C. (2006). Historia y filosofía del olimpismo. Madrid: Asociación amigos del deporte.
  • Durántez, C. (2006). Olimpismo y deporte. Valores y símbolos. Madrid: COE
  • Real Decreto 130/ 2007 de 28 de junio por el que se establece el currículo de Educación Física para la comunidad autónoma de Galicia.
  • Real Decreto 1513/ 2006 de 7 de diciembre por el que se establecen las enseñanzas mínimas de Educación Primaria.
  • A project of the International Olympic Committee, Lausanne, Switzerland (AÑO). teaching values (an olympic education toolkit). Recuperado de