Competencias socioemocionales y "Bullying" en adolescentes

  1. Guerreiro, Regina da Nazaré Carmona Silva de Almeida
Dirigée par:
  1. Florencio Vicente Castro Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 29 janvier 2016

  1. Agustín Dosil Maceira President
  2. Claudio Longobardi Secrétaire
  3. Luz María Fernández Mateos Rapporteur
  4. Susana Sánchez Herrera Rapporteur
  5. Olga Díaz Fernández Rapporteur

Type: Thèses

Teseo: 404039 DIALNET


This research focused on a subtype of violence, characterized by systematic, power inequality and intentionality: Bullying. The study of this phenomenon in schools assumes its preponderance if we analyze the school as a privileged place for socialization, education and cultural transmission. We explore the analysis of deviant behaviour, to providing preventive measures. Taking into account the incidence of this type of behaviour in schools, its cross-cultural nature and the damaging consequences for the physical and psychological well-being of all those involved, we sought to investigate the impact and quality of implementation of the socioemotional learning skills program: "Bullying at my school, NO!". The main objectives of our research are related to the evaluation of the victimization behaviour and aggression in schools, the analysis of social skills in students of the 3rd cycle and the impact of implementing a socio-emotional skills program. For this purpose it was designed, implemented and evaluated a prevention program based on socio-emotional theories applied to the educational context. It was intended to examine which ones of these skills might suffer significant improvements with the implementation of the program. The sample consisted of 132 students, of both genders, the 3rd cycle of basic education in Portuguese schools aged between 12 and 17 years. For this purpose it was used the Victimization Scale and Aggression in School (Marques da Cunha, 2008) and for the evaluation of the Social Skills Social Skills The Social Skills Questionnaire (Peter, 2005). The longitudinal empirical study outcomes demonstrated the effectiveness of the implementation of the " Bullying na minha escola, Não !!! "in the promotion of all socio-emotional skills in the study - assertiveness , empathy, cooperation and self-control. The gains from the implementation of the program have shown that these skills were independent from the gender and grade. They have not revealed a significant impact on reducing behaviours of aggression and victimization among peers, children / teenagers intervened after the analysis of this pre and post test. Only a significant increase in signaling these behaviours occurred.