Efectos de la práctica del fútbol sobre los ácidos grasos eritrocitarios y plaquetarios, y su relación con la capacidad antioxidante de sujetos entrenados y no entrenados

Dirigée par:
  1. Marcos Antonio Maynar Mariño Directeur
  2. Diego Muñoz Marín Co-directeur

Université de défendre: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 07 juin 2019

  1. Armando Manuel de Mendoça Raimundo President
  2. Bernardino Javier Sánchez Alcaraz Martínez Secrétaire
  3. Francisco Javier Alves Vas Rapporteur

Type: Thèses

Teseo: 590634 DIALNET


Football is one of the most practiced and studied sports. Although the amount of surveys evaluating physical performance in this sport is large, the information about the biochemical processes underliying this topic is still incomplete. In the last years the acute and chroninc responses to physical training in the lipidic profile, erythrocitary membrane, oxidative stress or antioxidant system have been assessed in sports like football, boxing, handbal or basketball. However, no studies have been found until date evaluating these responses in paletes. Furthermore, no information has been published about the relationship between fatty acids (FA) profile and erythrocyte and palete membranes, neither in football nor other sports. So, the aim of this thesis was to examine the effects of physical training on the FA profile, non-enzymatic antioxidant systems in the membranes of erythrocytes and paletes among young football players. 22 young male football players participated in this survey, they had been performing a regular weekly training plan of 10 hours during the last 5 years. The control group was formed by 22 untrained, non-sportsmen young males. The determination of fatty acids was performed by gas chromatography and the evaluation of non-enzymatic antioxidants was assessed using high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). It was concluded that football training of 10 hours/week induced changes in the levels of FA in the membranes of erythrocythes and paletes, in the lipid peroxidation and in the levels of Vitamins C and E.