Entrenamiento de la memoria en personas mayores con diabetes mellitus tipo 2

  1. Pérez Lancho, Mª Cruz
  2. Barahona Esteban, Mª Nieves
  3. Fernández Mateos, Luz Mª
  4. Sánchez Cabaco, Antonio
  5. Sánchez Zaballos, Elena
  6. Urchaga Litago, José David
Psychology, Society & Education

ISSN: 1989-709X 2171-2085

Year of publication: 2017

Volume: 9

Issue: 3

Pages: 381-391

Type: Article

DOI: 10.25115/PSYE.V9I3.860 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Psychology, Society & Education


Metabolic diseases in older people are associated with an increased risk of developing some cognitive dysfunction. This study investigated the effect of training on memory strategies in older people with type 2 diabetes mellitus following a semiexperimental design. Eleven patients with diabetes mellitus type 2, without cognitive impairment, anxiety nor depression, participated in the study. Measurements of their mnesic function were taken before and after implementation of the program. The results showed significant differences in Immediate Text Memory Task, Evoked by Clues. By analyzing the effect size, an increased performance in Immediate and Delayed Text Memory Tasks is observed. In an idiographic analysis, it was observed that patients with higher scores in anxiety and depression and with low scores in the pretest memory tasks showed a greater clinical improvement in memory. It can be concluded that older diabetics, prone to developing mnesic deficits, may benefit from a program of memory stimulation. We emphasize that 89.1% of the diabetic subjects initially selected for the study met some of the exclusion criteria and were not able to participate in the program. Therefore, the possibility to extend the study with larger samples is raised.

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