METHADISmetodología para el diseño de sistemas hipermedia adaptativos para el aprendizaje, basada en estilos de aprendizaje y estilos cognitivos

  1. Prieto Ferraro, Marcela Isabel
Supervised by:
  1. Francisco José García Peñalvo Director
  2. Begoña Gros Salvat Director

Defence university: Universidad de Salamanca

Fecha de defensa: 01 October 2006

  1. Lorenzo García Aretio Chair
  2. Ángela Barrón Ruiz Secretary
  3. José Rafael García-Bermejo Giner Committee member
  4. Josep María Duart Montoliu Committee member
  5. María José Rodríguez Conde Committee member

Type: Thesis


The design of Adaptative Educational Hypermedia Systems involves consideration of different aspects of both teaching and technical areas. Adaptative Educational Hypermedia Systems based on learning styles and cognitive styles have employed the use of various models and theories concerning learning styles and cognitive styles on which to base their application. Nevertheless, explicit criteria have not been used to define which theories of learning style or cognitive style are the most appropriate for given learning contexts, nor which are the most appropriate instructional strategies, fundamentally, for a defined learning goal. In order to systematize the task of designing these types of systems, a methodology has been designed for Adaptative Hypermedia Systems for learning based on learning styles and cogntive styles as a function of a learning goal, which through a sequence of steps, determines the most appropriate instructional strategies within the learning context, and based on the specific characteristics of the different users. From the technical perspective, the preceding has been materialized in the form of three models applied to the design methodology, including the domain model, the user (or student) model, and the adaptive (or teaching) model. The relations specified among these models allows choosing the methods and techniques for the most appropriate adaptation for delivering contents, information formats, and activities, as a function of the characteristics of learning styles, and the aids and options for navigation as a function of the specifics of each cognitive style.