La intervención de la universidad de salamanca en el proceso histórico de fijación de la medida del tiempo

Dirigée par:
  1. Cirilo Flórez Miguel Directeur/trice
  2. Ramon Aznar Garcia Co-directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Salamanca

Fecha de defensa: 15 juin 2011

  1. Salustiano de Dios de Dios President
  2. Modesto Sierra Vázquez Secrétaire
  3. Luis Andrés Marcos Rapporteur
  4. Víctor Navarro Brotóns Rapporteur
  5. María José Vega Ramos Rapporteur

Type: Thèses

Teseo: 310614 DIALNET


Title: The intervention of the University of Salamanca in the historical process of fixation of the science of measuring time. Abstract: The study of the contribution of the University of Salamanca to the reformation of the Gregorian Calendar (1582), based on the transcription, translation and analysis of the Latin codes elaborated by this university; one redacted in 1515, and the other in 1578, both under the simultaneous petitions of the popes (respectively Leo X and Gregory XIII) and the kings (Ferdinand the Catholic and Philip II). Both reports represent a very significant contribution and as yet unknown to the imperious necessity of stabilizing the date of the Easter with the true rhythm of the celestial spheres, disarranged in the Julian Calendar. Likewise, the thesis brings forward other projects of the calendar reformation, not only known, but also as yet unknown ones, like those of Francisco Salinas (professor of music at the University of Salamanca), University of Alcalá, mathematician Pedro Ciruelo and the archbishop of Toledo García de Loaísa y Girón. The commision of Salamanca in charge of redacting the report of 1578 was formed by the professors Diego de Vera, Cosme de Medina, fray Luis de León, fray Bartolomé de Medina and fray Domingo Báñez and was supported by the collaboration of fray Francisco Alcocer, Gabriel Gómez, the priest of Gatón de Campos and Miguel Francés, the latter being the real intellectual author of the text. The 1515 report of the University invented a mathematical procedure (probably created by the professor of astrology, Juan de Ortega, and then attributed only to Luigi Lilio ) which allowed to calculate the different rhythm of the Sun and Moon, and which would be the base of the Gregorian Reformation approved by the Pope 60 years later. Actually this proyect -like no other- coincides with the calendar project which was finally approved by Gregory XIII and which has ruled and still rules our history and civil life. Key words: University of Salamanca, Gregorian Calendar, The Easter, mathematics, astronomy, astrology, Renaissance, Leo X, Gregory XIII, Juan de Ortega, Luigi Lilio, Diego de Vera, Cosme de Medina, Luis de León, Bartolomé de Medina, Domingo Báñez, Francisco Alcocer, Gabriel Gómez, Miguel Francés, Francisco Salinas, Pedro Ciruelo, García de Loaísa y Girón.