Educational discourse in Spain during the early Franco regime (1936–1943)toward a genealogy of doctrine and concepts

  1. Xavier Laudo
  2. Conrad Vilanou
Paedagogica Historica: International journal of the history of education
  1. Collelldemont Pujadas, Eulàlia (coord.)
  2. Pozo Andrés, María del Mar del (coord.)
  3. Grosvenor, Ian (coord.)

ISSN: 0030-9230

Argitalpen urtea: 2015

Zenbakien izenburua: Children, education and politics in everyday life: children, education and politics at a time of conflict – the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)

Alea: 51

Zenbakia: 4

Orrialdeak: 434-454

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.1080/00309230.2015.1046889 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openSarbide irekia editor

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Paedagogica Historica: International journal of the history of education


In this article an analysis is undertaken of Spanish educational discourse during the early years of the Franco regime, from the Civil War (1936–1939) to the establishment of the Nuevo Estado or New State (1939–1943), employing Reinhart Koselleck’s principles of conceptual history. Without totally spurning the totalitarian and fascist ideology of the new regime, this educational discourse constructed an imagined community of España Nacional (Nationalist Spain) by means of a historical narrative that began with the uprising led by General Franco in July 1936. The discourse sought to recover the importance of the nation’s traditions so as to promote a conceptual and symbolic imaginary that might lead to the re-Christianisation and Hispanisation of society, based firmly on a providential vision of Spain’s history. It rejected the ideas of modern pedagogy in favour of an education based on the essential elements of the fatherland, namely, the Catholic faith and the imperial mission embodied in the idea of Hispanidad (a community of Spanish-speaking peoples), and understood as a spiritual message that would redeem humanity.