El pràcticum en los estudios pedagógicos y la inserción laboralnuevos enfoques ante el reto europeo
- Ventura Blanco, Javier
- Conrad Vilanou Torrano Director
- Francesc Martínez Olmo Director/a
Universitat de defensa: Universitat de Barcelona
Fecha de defensa: 09 de de setembre de 2005
- Juan Mateo Andrés President/a
- Núria Rajadell Puiggròs Secretari/ària
- Aquilina Fueyo Gutiérrez Vocal
- Antonio Bernat Montesinos Vocal
Tipus: Tesi
The thesis consists of a deep study on the character of the Prácticum of the current pedagogic studies, from which new university proposals are considered accordingly to the new times. The fact of being immersed in a process of harmonizing to the European Higher Education Area has forced to argue the need of that the Pedagogy is considered to be a degree for professional qualification. Besides, the needed future restructuring of the Sillabus provoke that a new alternative model of Prácticum has to be generated, as a keystone of the future degree, in a transverse way, due to its enormous potential to assume certain institutional responsibilities, till now not taken in account, linked to the employability of the students and the later professional insertion. Both aspects would suppose professional features to complement with others traditionally contemplated, of major academic - formative appearance. Determined the problem of the thesis: the need to base an alternative model of Prácticum; its general aims are defined: 1.-To make concrete orientations for the elaboration of an alternative model of Prácticum, adjusted to the new needs and realities linked to the new European Higher Education Area. 2.-To improve the employability of the student of Pedagogy to propitiate his/her labour insertion. 3.-To generate strategies linked to the Prácticum, coherent with the alternative model. The thesis is constructed in two differentiated parts. The first one dedicated to establishing a theoretical - conceptual frame, of fundamentally descriptive and partially interpretive character, and second destined to the empirical study, of evaluative character. Each of the parts has three chapters. Besides, it has been added a chapter dedicated to the conclusions, other one to the bibliography, and the annexes."