Gestión de contenidos digitales de la conferencia episcopal española.tratamiento informativo de la 109º asamblea plenaria

  1. Noa María Carballa Rivas 1
  2. Fernando Martínez Vallvey 1
  3. Beatriz Orgaz Sánchez 1
  1. 1 Universidad Pontifica de Salamanca
Comunicación institucional en el ecosistema digital: Una visión desde las organizaciones
  1. Luis Miguel Romero Rodríguez (coord.)
  2. Luis Mañas Viniegra (coord.)

Publisher: Egregius

ISBN: 978-84-17270-06-3

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 113-137

Type: Book chapter


The institutional communication in the digital era responds to a current social demand to establish dialogues between the institutions and their public through digital tools. The Church has joined this type of communication and uses online resources in a professional and competitive way. The objective of this study is to get to know how the image and communication strategy of the Spanish Episcopal Conference is shown in the digital sphere. For that purpose, we will carry out an analysis of thematic and quantitative content of the institutional communication of the Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE, as per its acronym in Spanish) through its website (www.conferenciaepiscopal. es/) and its social networks (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Flickr) during March 2107, which coincides with the celebration of the Plenary Assembly (from 13th to 17th of March), where Ricardo Blázquez was reelected as president of the EEC. Moreover, it will be checked if the institutional information published by the EEC affects the media immediately, both the national press with a large circulation and diffusion and the regional press (Castilla y León), due to the close relationship with Blázquez, the archbishop of Valladolid.