La Experiencia de Usuario en los productos periodísticosun enfoque desde el diseño centrado en el lector-usuario
- Juan-Ramón Martín-Sanromán
- Fernando Suárez Carballo
- Juan-Carlos Zambrano
ISSN: 1765-2901
Any de publicació: 2019
Número: 16
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: El Argonauta español
The crisis suffered by the press since the consolidation of the presence of newspapers on the Internet to our days presents a scenario, often discouraging, in which it seems that only strategies aimed at gaining more audience (almost at any price) will save this type of media. The text reviews the crisis, the main innovation strategies addressed by the media to fight it, and proposes the User-Centered Design approach as an alternative to retain readers generating new products and redefining those that already exist. This approach is based on the search for an exhaustive (mainly qualitative) knowledge of the users-readers that helps to understand what their needs, expectations and preferences are, as well as their informative habits and other insights. The ultimate goal is to achieve a better experience in the relationship between the user-reader and the news brand, always mediated by the experience obtained from the products or services of that news company and regardless of whether the channel is analogue or digital , without having to betray his identity.
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