La comunicación entre la familia y la escuela

  1. José Luis Guzón Nestar 1
  2. Fernando González Alonso 1
  1. 1 Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

    Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

    Salamanca, España


Papeles salmantinos de educación

ISSN: 1578-7265

Année de publication: 2019

Número: 23

Pages: 31-53

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Papeles salmantinos de educación


The family and the school have understood and collaborated for the education and formation of the sons and daughters, students, for whom it is thought and programmed the best education, that for many circumstances is often accompanied by crisis of authority, crisis of sense of future and crisis of socialization. Communication is fundamental and necessary for good collaboration between the family and the school, for the direct educational benefit of the children, where frequent conflicts and difficulties mean that the necessary and required communication is not always achieved.The revision of education as a problem; the analysis of conflicts, difficulties and their causes among the members of the family and the school; the consideration of the participation and involvement of the educating agents of both institutions; the strategies for its involvement and the support of the communicative keys where listening, the expression of questions, the attitudes of humility and positivism, help to improve and build a co-responsible educational community, where improved communication among all its members favors the good climate training, decision making, participation, involvement and education and comprehensive development of children.

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