La noche oscura de Teresa de Jesús (Aproximación fenomenológica, teológica y mistagógica)

  1. Gil Muñoz, Teresa
Dirigée par:
  1. Juan Antonio Marcos Rodríguez Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Fecha de defensa: 02 mars 2017

  1. Pascual Cebollada Silvestre President
  2. María Jesús Fernández Cordero Secrétaire
  3. Juan Antonio Marcos Rodríguez Rapporteur
  4. Jesús García Rojo Rapporteur
  5. Francisco Javier Sancho Fermín Rapporteur

Type: Thèses


This research deals with the dark night lived by Teresa of Jesus. To this effect, our starting point is the analysis of the concept of "dark night" as it has been understood in the Western Christian tradition up to John of the Cross, whose systematization will be the discerning criteria in the study and analysis of the Teresian experience. The second step in the development of the research focuses on the person of Teresa, whom we study trying to identify biographical support for her dark night. We offer a description of her psychological, sociological and religious profile, identifying the critical situations or processes that are relevant to a better understanding of the Teresian spiritual process. Thirdly, this work develops the analysis and systematization of the dark Teresian night. A phenomenological description, based on the analysis of the texts corresponding to her experience of the Sixth Mansions, concludes with the identification of three perspectives from which we propose a hermeneutic that takes into account the anthropological and theological dimension: the night of the creature, the night of the spouse, and the night of the apostle. We conclude by identifying the fundamental theological threads of this interpretation. Finally, a reflection in a mystagogical perspective is proposed. On the one hand, the mystagogical process is deduced from the Teresian experience, and on the other hand, we conclude by offering a phenomenology of the night using the key of love, the foundation of Christian and Teresian spirituality.