Visualización de esquemas de representación de conocimiento para el acceso a recursos en repositorios digitales

  1. Gaona García, Paulo Alonso
Dirigée par:
  1. Salvador Sánchez Alonso Directeur/trice
  2. Ana María Fermoso García Co-directrice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 14 juillet 2014

  1. Miguel Ángel Sicilia Urbán President
  2. Julia Clemente Párraga Secrétaire
  3. Alberto Pedrero-Esteban Rapporteur
  4. Ricardo Colomo Palacios Rapporteur
  5. Luis E. Anido Rifón Rapporteur

Type: Thèses


The following document presents the results of research conducted from studies focused on the development and implementation of search interfaces in learning objects, based on visualization techniques over digital repositories. Currently there are a lot of digital resources on Internet and access to them to a large extent depend on the strategies that can offer conventional search engines or specialized solutions that allow their classification, management and administration, as is the case of digital repositories. However, there are a number of factors that influence access to digital resources, based on the definition of metadata, and search strategies based on large volumes of information. One area in greater acceptance over the last few years is the information visualization workspace, area that facilitates the visual presentation of complex information spaces using appropriate graphs and structures in order to facilitate their rapid assimilation and understanding. Therefore, for the specific purposes of this research, we will address the information visualization area by using assessment methodologies and design strategies for the development and implementation of effective search interfaces for access to collections of digital resources hosted on digital repositories. The main aim of this research is to provide an alternative access based on visualization techniques to facilitate digital repositories creators, the analysis, development and implementation of visual search interfaces.