Una recomendación para el desarrollo de software en un contexto de negocio bajo demanda de acuerdo a la especificación MDA (Model Driven Architecture) y la arquitectura SOA (Service Oriented Architecture)

  1. Sáchez Vidales, Miguel Ángel
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Luis Joyanes Aguilar Doktorvater/Doktormutter
  2. Ana María Fermoso García Co-Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

Fecha de defensa: 30 von November von 2005

Art: Dissertation


Model Driven Architecture (MDA) specication is a specialization of model driven development that separates business logic from software and technological platforms. In this sense it MDA denes three types of models. CIM, Computation Independent Model, related to business domain, PIM, Platform Independent Model, associated to abstract software models, and PSM, Platform Specic Model, related specic to software models of technological platforms. Nevertheless MDA does not detail how CIM models must be and it does not describe either how they must be transformed to PIM models. Like a solution to this problem, this thesis presents a recommendation that proposes a development process based on the creation of business processes models, classied like CIM, associated to initial software models, considered PIM. Starting on a valid MDA interpretation, proposed recommendation is based as well on the application of other important present disciplines. Between them we emphasized BPM, Business Process Management, for adequate denition of business processes, and SOA, Service Oriented Architecture, to join business processes with software. Furthermore it is based on the idea of On Demand Business, from IBM, which is characterized to relate the enterprise aspects with technological ones. The main objective is to make possible a quick and valid reaction to business changes.