Análisis bibliométrico, temático e ideológico de la revista de estudios deportivos "Citius, altius, fortius" (1959-1976)

  1. Perrino Peña, María
Supervised by:
  1. Miguel Vicente Pedraz Director

Defence university: Universidad de León

Fecha de defensa: 20 June 2014

  1. Javier Olivera Betrán Chair
  2. Marta Zubiaur González Secretary
  3. Claudia Maulini Committee member

Type: Thesis


This research is focused on the study of the journal titled Citius, Altius, Fortius (1959-1976), one of most spread and relevant publications in physical and sports culture in the twentieth century. Its importance is deduced from the wide group of prestigious contributors and the thematic diversity of its contents during nearly twenty years. Even so, there is no specific study about this journal, except part of Olivera’s researches (about Cagigal’s scientific production on it) and some references of authors such as Juan Rodríguez, J. A. Cecchini or Miguel Vicente in the field of epistemology and education. The main aim of this study was the detailed knowledge of the journal through documentary analysis. The extensive content has been organized and interpreted in order to identify the underlying ideological orientation. Conceptions and ideas associated with physical culture categories have been also inferred and expressed. This PhD research has been oriented to the following objectives: to elaborate a thematic repertory from the classification and organization of all journal’s articles; to offer a critical overview of most studied topics by physical and sports culture field academics and researchers of that time; to infer their conceptions in relation to physical and sport culture and compare them with ideas established in the Spanish society at the moment; to assess the political influence in the publication and its grade of utilization with propagandistic purposes; to compare the journal with others in that period and evaluate its impact on conceptions and on the current situation of physical and sports culture in Spain. Regarding the methodology, the field and the object of the study were delimited firstly. The own journal was considered as the primary and direct source. Several primary and secondary sources of information related to national physical, bodily and sports culture in that period, were also consulted principally in F.C.A.F.D. of University of León, as well as in different online data-bases. Then, the documentary information was processed through the scientific reading method, in order to make different analysis: bibliometric, thematic and ideological analysis of most relevant content found in the journal. Qualitative techniques were mainly applied, but sometimes they were combined with quantitative methods. Documentation Sciences procedures were used, specifically bibliometric and documentary analysis techniques. Other qualitative techniques were used, such as critical discourse analysis and narrative analysis, to deep into the idiological study of more pertinent articles. A selfelaborated triple documentation file was used as methodological instrument, collecting more representative aspects of each analyzed study. Bibliometric and thematic analysis results have been compiled and showed in a thematic repertory elaborated with Access 2007 program; studies were classified based on a classification system with categories and subcategories created ex profeso for this research. The information was exported to Excel 2007 program for its statistical basic analysis, in order to present the main thematic axes that characterized the publishing line of the journal, adding tables and figures with data obtained. Three different periods were identified with subtle variations in prevailing topics, which is correlated to changes of publishers and their philosophy and publishing politics. Quantitative results showed a total of two hundred and ten articles published in the eighteen years of journal’s life. A clear historic vocation and subsidiary bias to other humanistic disciplines such as philosophy, philology or literature, sociology and education were inferred from a first comparison. The high value and quality of the journal is provided by the wide thematic variety and the international recognition of the authorship, including contributions that have influenced on Spanish intellectuals of that time, triggering a mind change and openness in the physical, bodily and sports culture conceptions. The approach to these ideas, extracted from the pages of the journal, was obtained from the critical analysis. There are essays where physical education and sport are idealized and raised, but there are also critical studies and reform proposals against the excessively technician society and the superintellectualized educative system. Other interesting topics are studied, like the Olympic idea or gender issues, from which it is possible to deduce a slight technical and ideological openness, even critical, 15 though most of contributions are made from an accommodative and conformist view, according to the dominant discourse. Taking into account the historic period and the social context, this publication could keep away from propagandistic aim to which most of the information media seemed to serve. In this context and circumstances, the consideration of this publication as an important point of reference in physical culture, both in national and international spheres should be considered a success. The journal’s publishing policies and humanistic orientation worked as an example of innovation and technical, pedagogical and researchable openness in physical education and sport field, from a multidisciplinary and transforming view. However, journal’s recognition we has not been acknowledged; so, after confirming its worth and contents quality, its impact in the development and evolution of later physical and sports culture, as well as in the mind changes of Spanish society from that moment to present day, this research has attempt to contribute in solving deficiencies indicated in this field. Moreover, it also attempts to make available to the scientific community and to physical education and sport professional an instrument that allows to consult, to compare, to interpret, to reflect and to work faster and more effectively with the information gathered in the journal.