Diseño y aplicación del test de campo TIVRE-Basket para la valoración de la resistencia aeróbica del jugador de baloncesto
- Vaquera Jiménez, Alejandro
- Morante Rábago, Juan Carlos
- García López, Juan
- Rodríguez Marroyo, José Antonio
- Ávila Ordás, María Concepción
- Mendonca, Paulo Renato
- Villa Vicente, José G.
ISSN: 0214-0071, 2386-4095
Year of publication: 2007
Issue: 18
Pages: 19-40
Type: Article
More publications in: European Journal of Human Movement
Considering basketball as an acyclic and discontinuous sport it has been designed and validated a field test (TIVRE�]Basket) for the evaluation of the specific resistance of the basketball player who allows to identify the anaerobic threshold and to analyze his capacity of recovery. 18 professional basketball players realized a treadmill test (PowerJog M30), with measurement of VO2max and determination of the anaerobic ventilatory threshold (VT2). 48 h later realized the field test TIVREBasket with heart rate monitors (Polar Vantage NV). There were neither significant differences between the treadmill test and the TIVRE�]Basket neither in the maximum HR (189.2�}1.3 vs 189.6�}1bpm) nor the HR�]anaerobic threshold (175.2�}8 vs 176.5�}7bpm), but if in the maximum speed (17.58�}0.1 vs 14.2�}1.2 km/h) and in the anaerobic threshold speed (12.9�}0.4 vs 10.34�}0.1 km/h). Nevertheless there were obtained significant interrelations (p <0.01) between the VO2max and the maximum speeds in the treadmill and TIVRE�]Basket. Also significant differences were only below the intervallic anaerobic threshold in the cardiac maximum frequencies of every interval of effort and the minimum in every recovery. The TIVRE�]Basket is useful and specific in the evaluation of the aerobic resistance and capacity of recovery of the basketball players.
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