Autopercepción de la motivación en las clases de educación física según el sexo, la edad y el tipo de práctica físico-deportiva

  1. Pablo Hernández-Martín
  2. Raquel María Guevara Ingelmo
  3. José David Urchaga Litago
  4. José Enrique Moral-García
Papeles salmantinos de educación

ISSN: 1578-7265

Datum der Publikation: 2020

Nummer: 24

Seiten: 149-162

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Papeles salmantinos de educación


Motivation can have a great influence on adherence to physical activity. This study aims to know the motivation of schoolchildren in physical education classes and the possible differences according to sex, age and type of sport practiced. A total of 182 Compulsory Secondary Education schoolchildren between 12 and 16 years old participated, of which 95 were boys and 87 girls. As an instrument, the “Questionnaire on Motivation in Physical Education classes (CMEF)” was used. The results show that motivation is higher in boys despite the fact that girls present a higher identified motivation. According to age, younger school children feel more motivated in all dimensions and demotivation increases with age. The practice of individual sports is associated with greater motivation, although team sports involve greater external motivation.

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