Las políticas de libre elección de centro escolar como agentes causantes de desigualdad. Una Revisión Sistematizada de la Literatura
- González López, Víctor
- Revesado Carballares, David
- García Redondo, Eva
- Inmaculada González Pérez (coord.)
- Antonio Fco. Canales Serrano (coord.)
Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad de La Laguna
ISBN: 978-84-16471-19-5
Year of publication: 2018
Pages: 507-512
Congress: Congreso Nacional de Educación Comparada (16. 2018. Santa Cruz de Tenerife)
Type: Conference paper
Globalization has broke through of the global educational dynamic affecting the educational policy of the different states. The advance of neoliberalism has brought with it a strong component of market freedom, which, like other spheres, has also affected education. These neoliberal conceptions of globalization mainly advocate actions that seek to open up education to markets, to accountability and to decentralization. Among all these actions, the policies of freedom of choice of the center by parents stand out, but is the freedom of choice of the center generating inequalities? In this research, through a Systematic Literature Review of the last eight years, the different aspects that may or may not respond to the above question will be studied, unraveling, for the Spanish case, the results of these election policies in development of equality or inequality processes among students.