L'Escola del Treball (1913-1939)renovación pedagógica y didáctica

  1. Parra Cañadas, Diego
Dirigida per:
  1. Jerónima Ipland García Director/a

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 05 de de setembre de 2008

  1. Conrad Vilanou Torrano President
  2. Asunción Moya Maya Secretari/ària
  3. Núria Rajadell Puiggròs Vocal
  4. José Antonio Torres González Vocal
  5. Fernando Peñafiel Martínez Vocal

Tipus: Tesi


This thesis shows the formation-reorganization process which was growing during 1913-1939 as the Reorganization Evidence. Students and the education situation in the different Escola de Treball's Sections are analysed as main educative agents, explaining the most relevant historic facts and pedagogical aspects, which caused the pedagogical reorganization. We consider specially interesting the students in all their aspects and notifications, because they were the recipients and protagonist of the formation given by the Escola del Treball and they became in its Testimony. We call "Students'voices" to the life at Escola del Treball, School Expositions, Conferences, Competitions and every material done and explained by the students.Our work is included in the Professional Formation's History, located at Escola del Treball in Barcelona. The investigation has a historical approach, adapted to the historical-educational investigation. In this investigation, historical and social-formative facts are described, rebuilding different facts related to Escola del Treball.