Open UPSA 4.0 o propuesta de un sistema CRIS para la UPSA

  1. Ana María Fermoso García
  2. María Isabel Manzano García
  3. Juan Blanco Castro
  4. Daniel Porras Reyes
UPSA-INNOVA : club universitario de innovación, Proyectos TALENT 2017/2019

Argitaletxea: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

ISBN: 978-84-17601-27-0

Argitalpen urtea: 2019

Orrialdeak: 59-74

Mota: Liburuko kapitulua


OpenUPSA 4.0. presents a research portal or CRIS system as an access point and divulgation of the research work of the UPSA. This system, thanks to the international standards that it uses in its development, also facilitates the open publication and reuse of your data to create value-added services. The OpenUPSA 4.0 project presents a prototype research portal to facilitate the access and dissemination of the research and scientific production of our university. These functions are some of those performed by systems known as CRIS or Current Research Information System. Looking for transparency and knowledge transfer, it is presented as a single and public access point to publicize the production and research of the University at the service of society. As an added value in its design, data formats recognized at European level such as CERIF or Common European Research Information Format have been used to publish information on university research, thus facilitating their reuse and creation of value-added services if necessary. Likewise, the system also allows the integration of research data from different sources and formats.