Persuasión propagandística al servicio del envilecimientocomunicación para el desorden

  1. Sánchez Alonso, Óscar
Sphera publica: revista de ciencias sociales y de la comunicación

ISSN: 1576-4192

Year of publication: 2006

Issue Title: Comunicación y desorden

Issue: 6

Pages: 107-122

Type: Article

More publications in: Sphera publica: revista de ciencias sociales y de la comunicación


The copulative conjunction of the title of this issue (communication and disorder) seems to give the idea of a not usual analysis. The dilemma (communication or disorder) is a more common formulation, denoting that the first term avoids the second. Nevertheless, it isn¿t true in all cases. Communication can contribute to the citizen¿s integration in the public sphere; and it can provide a significant improvement of the democratic system. But this is not an unavoidable result. Some kinds of communication are prone to transmit rancor and moral degradation, and they might be the prologue or the carrier of violence. There is a communication to disorder, which has as an essential feature its perversion of language.