¿cómo afecta la metodología integrada sobre los cambios de dirección en jugadores de fútbol sub-19? análisis de la pretemporada

  1. Salvador Pérez Muñoz
  2. Alberto Rodríguez Cayetano
  3. Antonio Sánchez Muñoz
  4. Gema Alonso García
  5. Félix Hernández Merchán
  6. Jesús Fraile Rodríguez
  7. David Morilla de la Riva
Revista Internacional de Deportes Colectivos

ISSN: 1989-841X

Argitalpen urtea: 2020

Zenbakia: 43

Orrialdeak: 45-57

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista Internacional de Deportes Colectivos


The objective of the research was to analyze the influence of the model of training and comprehensive or global planning on changes of direction in U-19 youth football players. There are 21 players with an average age of 17.4 (TD .71), an average weight of 67.89 (TD 8.81) kg. and an average height of 175.38 (TD 5.52) cm. 24 training microcycles based on the integrated methodology for football are carried out. The changes of direction with and without the ball are measured through the MAT-T test. In the Student T-Test for related samples and ANOVA of the set point factor. The main results show significant differences in both tests, with and without the ball, overall. While there is no significant difference in the playing field. Therefore, the integrated methodology leads to significant improvements in one of the factors affecting the performance of U19 youth football players

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