Limitación de la capacidad de obrar en miembros de institutos de Vida Consagrada

  1. Laura Magdalena Miguel
Revista Española de Derecho Canónico

ISSN: 0034-9372

Year of publication: 2020

Volume: 77

Issue: 189

Pages: 909-935

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Española de Derecho Canónico


The possibility of limiting individual’s capacity to act is not an option alien to legal systems, however, any rule that could restrict the free exercise of rights disgusts the legislator. In this sense, the Code of Canon Law is not an exception, which is why the absence of a norm aimed precisely at such limitation could be explained in situations in which, either due to mental illness or advanced age, the person is not in conditions of providing certain services, or is not even capable of carrying out an adequate psychological process to make a decision through the corresponding discernment. In these circumstances, the limitation of the capacity to act may appear as a necessity.

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