El discurso nacional republicano a escala localEl porvenir. Salamanca (1903-1904)

  1. Gloria García González
La Historia: lost in translation?
  1. Damián A. González Madrid (coord.)
  2. Manuel Ortiz Heras (coord.)
  3. Juan Sisinio Pérez Garzón Cuenca (coord.)

Editorial: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha ; Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

ISBN: 978-84-9044-265-4

Ano de publicación: 2017

Páxinas: 157-170

Congreso: Asociación de Historia Contemporánea. Congreso (13. 2016. Albacete)

Tipo: Achega congreso


After the crisis at the end of the nineteenth century and consequent questioning of the idea of nation built in the nineteenth century, the Unitarian Republican Nationalism manifested as a mobilizing nationalism whose main objective was to socialize a potentially growing social mass into the idea of a republican nation. To this aim, the press was an important tool of communication and political upheaval, associated successfully with traditional means of political action -the social club, the committee or the banquet- as well with new political uses linked to the so-called "mass politicsthe meeting, the demonstration or the democratic tea parties.