El Combate. Un semanario de agitación republicana en la Salamanca del cambio de siglo, 1899-1936

  1. Gloria García González
Salamanca: revista de estudios

ISSN: 0212-7105

Datum der Publikation: 2018

Nummer: 62

Seiten: 85-106

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Salamanca: revista de estudios


After the crisis at the end of the century, the unitarian Republicanism increased very sensitively his mobilizins character with the principal aim to socialize an increasing mass of peolpe in the republican idea. To this aim, the press constituted an essential tool of communication and political unrest, assocciated successfully with the tradictional means of political action, the gathering, the committee and the banquet. In this contexzt, El Combate was launched in Salamanca displaying of a particular discursive violence which principal aims were the political turmoil and the delegitimization of the traditional and consolidated estated under the Restored Monarchy