Discourse analysis and ADHD in the english as a second language teaching context

  1. Moro Ramos, Sandra
  1. Pilar Alonso Rodríguez Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Salamanca

Fecha de defensa: 2020(e)ko azaroa-(a)k 20

  1. Gloria Gutiérrez Almarza Presidentea
  2. Ramiro Durán Martínez Idazkaria
  3. Manuel Rodríguez Becerra Kidea

Mota: Tesia


This thesis analyses the teaching practice of an English as a second language teacher in a Primary School. The aim of this inquiry is to revise the pedagogy used during the teaching practice regarding attention to diversity, more specifically about ADHD, and the elaboration of a proper plan to teach English to ADHD as a foreign language in inclusive classes. The study shows how to address the needs of ADHD children while they learn English as a second language under a discourse analysis scope. A large proportion of published material about the matter of study shows how to cope with the difficulties of ADHD individuals in the basic areas, literacy and Mathematics. The majority of these studies and research literature are based on the teaching of subjects in the L1 of students, that is, using their mother tongue. Teaching a second language to ADHD students is starting to gain importance in the field of language acquisition. The present thesis is a compilation of strategies, games and activities to make language learning possible and fun for hyperkinetic children. Under a desk research scope, discourse analysis, language acquisition and ESL (English as a Second Language), as well as ADHD have been studied and discussed to outline a realistic model in the paradigm of teaching and learning English as a second language with ADHD students in inclusive classrooms. These issues have been tackled over several sections. The teaching of second languages and an approximation of the definition of discourse analysis conform the theoretical framework on section four. A deeper investigation about discourse analysis can be found in section five, as a basis to the teaching of languages. An approach to the concept of ADHD is submitted in section six, while further explanations about the matter and considerations for teachers are to be found in section seven. Besides that, section eight shows a compilation of different techniques, implementations and activities suggested to teach ESL with ADHD students in inclusive classes. Finally, a case intervention is presented in section nine. Additionally, this thesis also presents two cognitive training self-instruction models for children, with and without ADHD, for oral and written activities in ESL.