Efectos de normalización del electroencefalograma cuantitativo utilizando neurorretroalimentación de puntuaciones Z de 4 canales en tiempo real para niños con trastornos de aprendizajedatos preliminares

  1. Rubén Pérez-Elvira
  2. Javier Oltra-Cucarella
  3. José Antonio Carrobles
Psicología conductual = behavioral psychology: Revista internacional de psicología clínica y de la salud

ISSN: 1132-9483

Argitalpen urtea: 2021

Alea: 29

Zenbakia: 1

Orrialdeak: 191-206

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Psicología conductual = behavioral psychology: Revista internacional de psicología clínica y de la salud


Children with learning disabilities (LD) can have difficulties in reading at word level, text comprehension, writing or arithmetic. Several studies have shown the efficacy of neurofeedback (NF) in improving learning skills through brainwave operant conditioning in children with LD. The aim of this work was to show the efficacy of live z-score NF training (LZT) for quantitative electroencephalogram (QEEG) normalization in school children with LD. Twenty-eight children aged 10- 15 years with LD participated. Ten 30-min sessions of QEEG-guided LZT using patient’s highly preferred feedback were applied. After 10 sessions of QEEGguided LZT, participants showed statistically significant improvements in QEEG normalization and a statistically significant small to medium improvement in the Cognitive and Emotional Checklist. The results suggest that LZT-NF produces a tendency towards normalization of brain waves in children with LD, and might be advised as a therapeutic alternative or coadjuvant along with cognitive interventions.

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