El juego como propuesta didáctica en educación física con alumnos de educación primaria

  1. P. Hernández-Martín
  2. I. Hernández-Induráin
  3. J. E. Moral-García
Papeles salmantinos de educación

ISSN: 1578-7265

Datum der Publikation: 2021

Nummer: 25

Seiten: 141-161

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Papeles salmantinos de educación


This article is going to analyze the role played by Physical Education and play, in Primary Education children, through the contents of “motor skills” and “body knowledge”. Sedentary lifestyle is related to the appearance of diseases, therefore the importance of instilling healthy habits from an early age. Motor skills and body knowledge appear from the first years of life: walking, jumping, recognizing their own body, etc., therefore enhancing these capacities is the teacher’s job. Games in Physical Education arouse different emotions in students depending on the motor classification of the game itself (psychomotor, cooperation, opposition or cooperation-opposition). Some optimal methodologies for the development of these Physical Education contents, are both guided discovery and problem solving, increasing their self-esteem and the involvement of studentes in their own teaching-learning process.

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