Relación entre la enseñanza bilingüe en educación física con el rendimiento académico y nivel de práctica de actividad física

  1. A.D. Agraso-López
  2. E. García-Cantó
  3. P. J. Carrillo-López
  4. J. E.Moral-García
Papeles salmantinos de educación

ISSN: 1578-7265

Année de publication: 2021

Número: 25

Pages: 117-139

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Papeles salmantinos de educación


This study aims to analyze the relationship between motivation in physical education classes in a bilingual environment with academic performance and the level of physical activity practice. A study was carried out to know the level of satisfaction of students towards bilingual physical education classes in English. 256 students of the ESO stage participated, (12-17 years old). The instrument used was the Spanish Version of the Sport Satisfaction Instrument (SSI) questionnaire and the one adapted to the Learning of Bilingual Physical Education in English (SSI-PE). Based on the results obtained, we can conclude that the students with better grades correspond to those who normally participate and have a better time in PE classes, both in Spanish and English. Students who did not play sports felt less motivated and satisfied with physical education classes. The level of satisfaction in PE classes is lower when classes are taught in English. Therefore, it is necessary to involve the educational community and families in strategies aimed at increasing the practice of physical activity, supporting bilingualism as a beneficial educational strategy for the academic training of schoolchildren.

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