Communication tool to improve the collaborative work using emerging mobile technologies

  1. Roberto Berjón Gallinas
  2. Montserrat Mateos Sánchez
  3. Encarnación Beato Gutiérrez
  4. Ana María Fermoso García
Advances in Information Science and Computer Engineering

ISSN: 1790-5109

Argitalpen urtea: 2015

Orrialdeak: 101-109

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Advances in Information Science and Computer Engineering


Since mobile technologies are fully introduced in our society these technologies are used daily in workplaces to improve the communication between co-workers. In this work is presented a communication tool available for mobile devices. This tool, a SaaS (Software as a Service) in the cloud, have been developed by us. It combines several emerging channels of communication such as instant messaging, social networks and micro-blogging and it allows the exchange of information between members of a domain. One of the main advantages is that ensures the digital anonymous, another advantage is that it is fully customized so it can be use in any kind of organization.The tool has been customized for a university educational context and it has been analyzed. A small group of students (first and fourth course of Computer Science Degree) and teachers have participated in the experiments and they emphasized the advantages that collaborative working provides. Also we got promising results considering the usefulness of our tool because both students and teachers greatly appreciated the tool.