¿Garantiza el Ranking de Shanghai alto desempeño académico?
- Gómez-Marcos, María Teresa
- Vicente-Galindo, María Purificación
- Martín Rodero, Helena
ISSN: 0210-0614, 1988-4621
Year of publication: 2022
Volume: 45
Issue: 1
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista española de documentación científica
The Shanghai ranking (ARWU) has achieved such prestige that a good position on this list is associated with quality and reputation. The objective of this research is to analyze if the universities classified in ARWU show the best academic performance. Performance, Graduation and Dropout rates of Spanish universities students have been selected. A multivariate analysis was carried out using HJ-Biplot method, studying the behaviour with respect to these rates the universities that appear in the ranking. The results show that taking the top positions in the Shanghai Ranking does not guarantee the best results in Performance and Graduation rates. University quality must therefore be approached from a multidimensional perspective, depending on the strategy that each institution defines to respond to the different missions.
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