La pedagogía con sentido en el pensamiento de Edith Steinsistematización de su legado pedagógico (1926-1933) y su relación con la práctica docente como formadora de maestras en Espira (1923-1931)

  1. Muñoz Arranz, Milagros María
Supervised by:
  1. David Reyero Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 23 July 2021

  1. Sara Ramos Zamora Chair
  2. Alberto Sánchez Rojo Secretary
  3. Tania Alonso Sáinz Committee member
  4. Conrad Vilanou Torrano Committee member
  5. Bianca Thoilliez Ruano Committee member

Type: Thesis


The question that we posed did not seek only to answer what Pedagogy can offer to the world of education in the 21st century. Our challenge was to find a relevant person who could give sense to Pedagogy and, with it, provide a meaningful pedagogical theory, that is, one that could propose answers today about why education is and what for. Thus, we find Edith Stein, a Jewish woman, a philosopher and a theologian. But, could we also define her as a pedagogue? Could we find significant contributions to the Pedagogy of the 21stcentury? Where does our interest on this woman lie? Could we systematize her pedagogical bases?There are several studies about Edith Stein’s educational concept, but none of them has made a systematization of her pedagogical grounds. At first, it could be said that shedid not either. However, we find a key document that could change this vision. This is a Pedagogical Scheme, that our pedagogue elaborated around 1932 or 1933. That it to say, it happened at the end of the decade (1923-1933), in which she was intensely dedicated to the pedagogical field. A priori it seems, it was a scheme for a lecture, but we affirm that it had a greater significance. Such a document has been useful for us as a guide in order to analyse her work from this decade and then to build systematically Stein’s pedagogical foundations. In this way, we want to prove that she had planned specific pedagogical bases that she was exposing in her lectures and they were not the result of improvisation as they were included in this scheme...