Importancia y propuestas de valoración desde la psicología de la religiosidad en las causas de nulidad matrimonial

  1. Sánchez Ordóñez, Raquel
  2. José David Urchaga Litago
Revista Española de Derecho Canónico

ISSN: 0034-9372

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 78

Issue: 191

Pages: 1161-1178

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Española de Derecho Canónico


In this work, it is defended, both from a theoretical and a real point of view, that the assessment of religiosity (both quantitatively and qualitatively) is possible and necessary in psychological assessments of marriage nullity. At first, a revision of the texts of the Church is carried out that defend the importance of evaluating the psychological aspects, as well as the religiosity of the contracting parties. These aspects directly influence marriage, as shown in different investigations. In general, religious people have happier marriages with fewer breakdowns. Religiosity, from a psychological point of view, is not only a quantitative dimension (more or less religious), but it is also qualitative (for example, infantile versus adult or mature religiosity). As an example, three psychological models are presented to evaluate religiosity (authors: Vázquez, Fowler and Oser). Finally, a real case of expert opinion is presented, in a context of marriage annulment, in which it is exemplified how the psychological evaluation of religiosity is fundamental to understand, in part, the decisions the couple makes when they get married. In the case presented, it allows us to understand the failure of said marriage, since the decision to marry is taken from a religious immaturity (from a psychological point of view).

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