Plataforma impulsa desaparecidos - difusión y asistencia psicológica al entorno de víctimas de desapariciones forzosas
- Leticia Martín Enjuto
- Raquel Sánchez Ordóñez
Editorial: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
ISBN: 978-84-17601-27-0
Año de publicación: 2019
Páginas: 75-85
Tipo: Capítulo de Libro
The disappearance brings with it a resounding NO. A NO progress, a NO is known what happened, a NO to reliable indications, a NO has the finding of...; in short, reference a NO to life. The disappearance, as it has been corroborated in previous lines, is a robust NO that mines and sows despair in all who have the misfortune to possess it. The first NO generates a rupture that, without warning, arrives to be installed. In this regard, Plataforma Impulsa Desaparecidos arises in response to the limited psychological support received by the environment of the disappeared. It is born from the commitment, by professionals of psychology, for the accompaniment and free advice that every relative of missing persons deserves and requires.