Incidence of "Epichloë festucae" in "Festuca rubra" plants of natural grasslands and presence of double-stranded RNA fungal viruses

  1. Petisco C. 1
  2. García-Ciudad A.
  3. Vázquez-de-Aldana B.R.
  4. García-Criado B.
  5. Zabalgogeazcoa I.
  1. 1 Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

    Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

    Salamanca, España


Grassland in a changing world: Proceedings of the 23th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation Kiel, Germany August 29th - September 2nd 2010
  1. H. Schnyder (ed. lit.)
  2. J. Isselstein (ed. lit.)
  3. F. Taube (ed. lit.)
  4. K. Auerswald (ed. lit.)
  5. J. Schellberg (ed. lit.)
  6. M. Wachendorf (ed. lit.)
  7. A. Herrmann (ed. lit.)
  8. M. Gierus (ed. lit.)
  9. N. Wrage (ed. lit.)
  10. A. Hopkins (ed. lit.)

ISBN: 978-3-86944-021-7

Year of publication: 2010

Pages: 729-731

Congress: 23th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation (Kiel, Germany)

Type: Conference paper