Evaluación del estado cognitivo y afectivo en adultos mayores como estrategia de prevención

  1. Esther Sitges Maciá
  2. Beatriz Bonete López
Informació psicològica

ISSN: 0214-347X

Year of publication: 2019

Issue: 117

Pages: 129-141

Type: Article

More publications in: Informació psicològica


This paper presents the results obtained from the evaluation of the cognitive state, executive functions, emotional and health status of the 128 people over 55 years (37 men and 91 women) who attend University Programs to Older (PUM). The objective of this study was to know the cognitive, emotional and health status of the subjects, so that they incorporate this evaluation in their periodic health reviews. The average age of the participants was 65.4 years. The results showed that 9.37% of the participants had some type of alteration mnesic evaluated through the MIS and a 18.75% had alterations in the executive functions evaluated with the Test of the Clock. The results obtained indicate that the variables cognitive status and age are not independent, observing a greater proportion of people with cognitive impairment in the group of older people. These results are consistent with studies in this field, although it is necessary to continue studying such a relationship in cognitively active population.

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