Mismos jugadores con diferentes entrenadores, ¿se puede jugar de manera diferente para optimizar el rendimiento en el fútbol profesional?

  1. Castellano, J. 1
  2. Casamichana, D. 2
  1. 1 Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)
  2. 2 Escuela Universitaria Gimbernat-Cantabria (EUG-Cantabria), adscrita a la Universidad de Cantabria (UC)
Sport TK: revista euroamericana de ciencias del deporte

ISSN: 2340-8812 2254-4070

Year of publication: 2016

Volume: 5

Issue: 2

Pages: 133-140

Type: Article

DOI: 10.6018/264771 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDIGITUM editor

More publications in: Sport TK: revista euroamericana de ciencias del deporte


This study analysed the performance of one team and its rivals in three different periods throughout the same season, 2013-14. The 42 matches played by the reference team (EQU) and its rivals (RIV) in the Second Division Spanish Football League (Liga Adelante) were analysed. Different performance indicators (IR) were used: of result (IRr), victories, points and goals; and of procedure (IRp), in order to assess the offensive phases of creation, progression and finishing, physical performance and collective use of space. The results showed that both in IRr and in IRp there were differences between the three periods (E1, E2 and E3) where three different trainers were in charge of the team. On the one hand, the distribution of goals and points was not homogeneous in the three analysed periods: in E1 there were more goals in favour but also against, which meant that an average of one point per match was obtained; in E2 there was a drop in the number of goals in favour together with an improvement in the defensive aspect in not letting goals through, obtaining 1.1 points per match and; in E3 the scoring aspect returned to the levels of E1 and the defensive aspect improved, giving an average of 1.6 points per match. Regarding the IRp, the main differences were found in the variables which defined the game model (possession time, number of passes, effectiveness of passes, and progression and precision indicators), with higher values in the E1 and E2 periods, except for the progression indicator which was higher in E3. There were not differences in relation to physical performance between the three periods (E1≈E2≈E3), although the strategic planning of 'intensity' in the first halves of the matches varied between them (E2≈E1>E3), as did the width of the team (E1≈E2>E3). The main conclusion from the work was that from the performance indicators differences were detected in the behaviour of the team at the three points in the season, establishing a similarity in the procedure performance or game model between E1 and E2, these being different from E3. Trainers should consider this type of IR to assess their teams and, where appropriate, propose intervention strategies to optimise their performance.

Funding information

Este trabajo forma parte de la investigación LA ACTIVIDAD FÍSICA Y EL DEPORTE COMO POTENCIADORES DEL ESTILO DE VIDA SALUDABLE: EVALUACIÓN DEL COMPORTAMIENTO DEPORTIVO DESDE METODOLOGÍAS NO INSTRUSIVAS, que ha sido subvencionado por la Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad [DEP2015-66069-P, MINECO/FEDER, UE], durante el trienio 2016-2018.


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