El aprendizaje cooperativo como estrategia para la enseñanza inclusiva
- Beatriz Hervada
- Rubén Maneiro
- David Revesado Carballares
ISSN: 1578-7265
Datum der Publikation: 2022
Nummer: 26
Seiten: 261-279
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Papeles salmantinos de educación
The multiple changes that our society has experienced over recent years and that are reflected in our educational system, make aspects such as plurality and heterogeneity extremely attractive elements for scientific research. In this sense, educational inclusion is the best way to provide a response in educational institutions that, at the same time, is effective in the face of diversity. Therefore, the main objective that we intend to achieve in this work is none other than to clarify the positive impact that cooperative learning can have on inclusive education. To this end, we have chosen to develop a systemic review of the literature, analyzing and interpreting the main documentary sources that have come to light over the last few years. The results achieved show the effectiveness of this methodology in promoting inclusiveness in educational institutions. However, we have also been able to clarify that a transformation of the educational system is still necessary, until a fully inclusive system is reached, which offers an adequate response to differences through cooperation in the classroom.
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