El Nexo familia-persona en la filosofía personalista

  1. Aparicio Gómez, Oscar Yecid
Supervised by:
  1. Eudaldo Forment Giralt Director

Defence university: Universitat de Barcelona

Fecha de defensa: 21 June 2006

  1. José Luis Arce Carrascoso Chair
  2. Ignacio Guiu Andreu Secretary
  3. Ángel Sánchez-Palencia Marti Committee member
  4. Conrad Vilanou Torrano Committee member
  5. Higinio Marín Pedreño Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 283809 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


The present doctoral thesis is the result of a study about the family and the person, supported by the philosophical reflection, and following the personalist line. The content is structured from five chapters: in the first four, appear a descriptive style, the general considerations about the family and the person (origin, history, etc.), and the fifth, more oriented from the philosophical reflection, considers the essential nexus between person and family, from an anthropological, ethical, political, educative and metaphysical perspective. We can emphasize that throughout the work aspects such as: the role of the family in the personal configuration, the personal dignity and socialization from its acts and habits, inside and outside the domestic sphere. In the same way its determining action in the education of young people is emphasized the first school of thought, as well as its fundamental role in the consolidation of the social structure. The study and the reflection conclude affirming that the essential link between the family and the person can be postulated from a metaphysics of love; however, it does not try solely to make a speculative effort, but what is tried to postulate, as it try to do in the conclusions, a family project which orients to people that decide to consolidate their life from the love and the commitment, in a stable and lasting way, opened to life from conception to natural death."