La investigación sobre análisis del rendimiento en pádel.

  1. Bernardino Javier Sánchez-Alcaraz Martínez
  2. Diego Muñoz
  3. Jesús Ramón-Llín Más
  4. Rafael Martínez Gallego
  5. Rafael Conde Ripoll
  6. Alejandro Sánchez-Pay

ISSN: 1989-2837

Argitalpen urtea: 2023

Zenbakia: 31

Orrialdeak: 118-132

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Acciónmotriz


Performance analysis aims to record and analyze behaviors and actions of players in training and competition,evaluating technique and tactics. This line of research has been the subject of numerous studies on padel, since it allows the analysis of spontaneous behaviors of the players in a real game context, which provides information of great interest that can be transferred to the training, through design of tasks adapted to the competition demands. This article presents a review of the different studies that have been developed in performance analysis in padel, classifying them into three main research lines: (1) structural and temporal aspects of padel, (2) characteristics of the players movements and (3) padel game actions. A total of 50 articles were included. Differences between gender and game level were observe dattending to temporal parameters, movements and technical and tactical actions. The data from this work will serve as aguide for the development of future research in padel, as well as to design of training and competition strategies

Erreferentzia bibliografikoak

  • Acción Motriz