Cardioprotección en los centros deportivos con instalación acuática de la Región de Murcia

  1. Ibáñez García, Rodrigo
Dirixida por:
  1. Arturo Díaz Suárez Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 27 de marzo de 2023

  1. Roberto J. Barcala Furelos Presidente
  2. Manuel Chavarrias Olmedo Secretario/a
  3. Silvia Aranda García Vogal

Tipo: Tese


Physical activity is associated with health benefits, but its practice is occasionally associated with risks such as sudden death, myocardial infarction or drowning, whereby sports practice can act as a triggering factor. Cardioprotection, at the level of sports management, includes the prevention of and response to health emergencies. It is a concept made up by four dimensions: preliminary screening, material and spatial provision, staff training and cardioprotection plans. The sports manager must comply with regulations that are often outdated and have few scientific references on which to base himself in order to achieve a cutting-edge Cardioprotected sports center. The aim of this thesis is to update the Cardioprotection concept and to describe the state of the art in sports centers with aquatic facilities in the Region of Murcia from the point of view of the sports manager. The procedure tackled began by a review of the scientific evidence published recently, verifying that there were no important novelties in this regard. Subsequently, to describe the state of the question, the managers of 39 sports centers with aquatic facilities were selected, visited and audited using the NCARDIOPROTEC questionnaire, validated in previous phases of the research. During the visit, the managers were given indications of compliance with regulations and recommended actions to increase the level of safety of athletes. In the demographic results, 94.9% of the managers were male and only 11 (28.2%) had a degree in Sports Science. The type of management obtained a balanced distribution between direct public, mixed, concessions, with private management being the least present. The predominant average daily attendance was between 250 and 500 people. In the pre-exercise screening dimension, 69.2% of the centers did not carry out any type of screening, and those that did, most of them did not have a systematic way of carrying It out In the materials dimension, the presence of at least one defibrillator (AED) was found in all centers, but with 41% of patches and 20.5% of expired batteries. The percentage of compliance with AED installation conditions was similar regardless of the type of management or level of education of the manager. The presence of measures and materials that speed up rescue in the aquatic environment beyond the regulations was low, around 25%. The training of personnel in the use of AEDs and basic life support showed that 59% of the centers had training in force for more than 75% of the lifeguards. A total of 17.9% had no lifeguards with current training. A similar result was recorded among the sports and service personnel, with 33.3% of the centers having no one in these categories trained. On the other hand, 28.2% of centers had between 75% and 100% of their personnel trained, regardless of their job position. There was massive compliance with the emergency plans, but only 25% of them contained specific sections on Cardioprotection. Likewise, the practice of training and emergency drills was also low, with 20%. In conclusion, Cardioprotection, from the scope of the manager in sports centers with aquatic facilities in the Region of Murcia, there is room for improvement in prior screening, maintenance and installation conditions of AEDs, as well as in training and preparation of plans. Participation in this thesis has provided benefits for the manager and athletes of these centers, raising their safety level.