Funciones cognitivas básicas en mayoresProtocolo de estudio y valoración

  1. Paz Franco Módenes
  2. Antonio Sánchez Cabaco
International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology: INFAD. Revista de Psicología

ISSN: 0214-9877

Year of publication: 2013

Issue Title: Familia y educación: Aspectos positivos

Volume: 1

Issue: 2

Pages: 215-219

Type: Article

More publications in: International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology: INFAD. Revista de Psicología


This work aims to provide the results of the use of the FUCOBAMA protocol and present it as an effective tool in the detection of alterations as mild cognitive impairment, suspicion of dementia, disease of Alhzeimer or others. This Protocol is useful for the general assessment of cognitive functioning in elderly people. The structure of it is managed from five specific areas, such as, the study of the cognition of the enverionment through the perception of objects and space, the interference of attentional processes by aspects related to the to the cognitive flexibility, as well as the coordination between intencion-accion through the appreciation of executive functions. These three first areas are those that have been developed in this research. The FUCOBAMA protocol is completed whith the direct study of dimensions mnestic (prospective memory and retrospective) and ecologically adapted functionality through the development of the activities of daily living. This general view of the Protocol and developed research to determine this instrument suitable for the determination of the vulnerability of the elderly population as well as to establish a differential diagnostic with other clinical problems.

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