Los estudios de postgrado en la Educación Superior Pública en Guatemalaun reto para la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

  1. Valladares, Carlos Humberto
Dirigida por:
  1. Amparo Jiménez Vivas Directora

Universidad de defensa: Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

Fecha de defensa: 29 de septiembre de 2022

  1. Raimundo Castaño Calle Presidente

Tipo: Tesis


This research is related to the analysis of postgraduate studies in public higher education in Guatemala, particularly at the University of San Carlos de Guatemala -USAC-; In it, the emergence of the Postgraduate Studies System -SEPis analyzed, likewise, the principle of financial self-sustainability of postgraduate studies in the ten faculties that work in the university is addressed, with special emphasis on the School of Postgraduate Studies of the Economic Sciences Faculty -EEPFCCEE- the general objective was oriented to the analysis of postgraduate studies at the USAC, in the context of the Economic Sciences Faculty -FCCEE- and in particular in the School of Postgraduate Studies -EEP- from a financial selfsustainability approach, to meet a growing demand of the student population in the Master's Program in Financial Administration -PMAF-. Following Hernández Sampieri, the use of a mixed approach was considered pertinent, which considers that the purpose of the research is not to replace quantitative research or qualitative research, but to use the strengths of both types of inquiry, combining them and trying to minimize their potential weaknesses (Hernández, 2014, p. 532). The results achieved were structured according to four themes, related to research within the framework of the PMAF of the EEP of the FCCEE, which support the operation of a financial self-financing model in the EEP, being the following: 1) operation and importance from the SEP in the USAC; 2) the evaluation of the self-financing model of postgraduate studies that is used in the FCEE; 3) the lines of research available and used to develop the thesis research work and 4) an analysis from PMAF graduates regarding insertion in the labor market.