Comunicação e Alteridade, uma perspectiva Levinasiana sobre a paz

  1. Pereira Veríssimo, Mário André
Dirigée par:
  1. Mercedes Román Portas Directeur/trice
  2. Yolanda Espiña Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidade de Vigo

Fecha de defensa: 22 avril 2022

  1. Aurora García González President
  2. José David Urchaga Litago Secrétaire
  3. Fernando Gil Villa Rapporteur

Type: Thèses


This thesis highlights the study of the idea of peace in the perspective of Emmanuel Levinas within otherness as a dynamic concept (social environment) to qualify the field of communication. This study will be developed in three dimensions, all of them starting with the ethics as radicality that characterizes the Levinasian thought. Therefore, begins with an approach of ethics and metaphysical responsibility, and goes through a second dimension, emphasizing social ethics in which the concept of communication as a derivative (peace) will be approached, finally ending with a third dimension highlighting the dialectical concept between ethics and otherness as Key notion - among others - to seek a discernment of the idea of peace.