Marcas y propósito. Análisis de las estrategias digitales en Twitter de las marcas más reputadas en España

  1. Jorge David Fernández Gómez 1
  2. María-Teresa Gordillo-Rodríguez 1
  3. Laura Pacheco Barriga 2
  4. Elena Fernández-Blanco 2
  1. 1 Universidad de Sevilla. España.
  2. 2 Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. España.
Revista Latina de Comunicación Social

ISSN: 1138-5820

Ano de publicación: 2023

Número: 81

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Revista Latina de Comunicación Social


Introduction: The 21st century is characterized by the technological progress that society has experienced together with the social, economic and environmental changes that make up the current challenging challenges. These have caused a multitude of organizations to become active agents, arousing their interest in defining purposes with an impact for society that need companies to become aware and position themselves, from a more humanistic approach, on alarming issues. One of the scenarios in which organizations can develop communication strategies that enrich relationships with their audiences and allow them to defend their purposes, through the generation of content, is constituted by social networks, key tools for brands to interact in the present. Methodology: using quantitative methodology, through content analysis, a corpus of messages issued on Twitter over twelve months by ten responsible brands, selected through the Corporate Reputation Business Monitor, is analyzed. Results: relevant data is obtained on the content generated by these brands in their Twitter profiles, which indicates that they communicate mainly focusing on the service they offer and their products. Discussion: the results reveal that the brands studied generally take a position focused on the company itself or on the product. Conclusions: although there is a tendency for organizations to generate social benefit through their actions, this research indicates that the approach that these companies give to their communication on Twitter is not primarily people-oriented.

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