La influencia de la cultura corporativa en la sostenibilidad de la actividad empresarialun modelo de gestión

  1. Nieto Crespo, Sara
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Ángel Losada Vázquez Doktorvater

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

Fecha de defensa: 06 von September von 2022

  1. Javier Fernández del Moral Präsident/in
  2. Juan Francisco Sánchez Vázquez Sekretär
  3. José Luis Fernández Fernández Vocal
  4. Agustín Galán García Vocal
  5. José Ignacio Galán Zazo Vocal

Art: Dissertation


The activity of today's organisations is completely linked to the correct and efficient management of intangible assets. For years, companies have positioned themselves as a social and transforming agent. They have evolved from a purely economic perspective to a social dimension, in which society -in particular- and the rest of the stakeholders with which the company relates -in general- express a series of demands and expectations regarding the conduct of organisations. In this situation, companies will only have social legitimacy to operate if they maintain a correspondence between their narrative, that is, between their discourse and communication, with their conduct and with the experiences they deliver to their different audiences. All of this must be contemplated under a future perspective that all organisations must consider in their strategic planning: the integration of sustainability in their business model. In this research, corporate culture is positioned as a key element in the sustainability of business activity. Corporate culture has a direct influence on the behaviour of organisations, and can generate - through the intervention of other variables such as corporate communication, strategic planning and shared learning - a responsible collective behaviour that allows the generation of a sustainable and lasting business activity over time. This analysis is based on the case study of Leroy Merlin, a company that demonstrates that it has a sufficient evidential strength in the management of intangibles to be able to measure the scope of corporate culture within the organisation.