Ambient intelligence based architecture for automated dynamic environments

  1. Tapia Martínez, Dante Israel
  2. Paz, Yanira de
  3. Bajo Pérez, Javier
XII Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial: (CAEPIA 2007). Actas
  1. Borrajo Millán, Daniel (coord.)
  2. Castillo Vidal, Luis (coord.)
  3. Corchado Rodríguez, Juan Manuel (coord.)

Editorial: Universidad de Salamanca

ISBN: 978-84-611-8846-8 978-84-611-8848-2

Año de publicación: 2007

Volumen: 2

Páginas: 171-180

Congreso: Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial (12. 2007. Salamanca)

Tipo: Aportación congreso


This paper presents an Ambient Intelligence based architecture that uses intelligent agents with reasoning and planning mechanisms. The agents have the ability to obtain automatic and real time information about the context using a set of technologies, such as radio frequency identification, wireless networks and wireless control devices. The architecture can be implemented on a wide diversity of dynamic envirnoments. A case study is presented, describing the main characteristics of the planning mechanism supported by the architecture, implemented in a geriatric residence, giving the agents a high level of autonomy and flexibility for solving problems.