Evaluación de validez convergente y discriminante de un protocolo de cribado online para detección de deterioro cognitivo leve en personas mayores en Chile.
Nieves Schade Yankovic
- Catalina Poblete González
- Yanaray López Angulo
Antonio Sánchez Cabaco
- Lizbeth de la Torre
Year of publication: 2024
Volume: 62
Issue: 1
Pages: 36-45
Type: Article
Introduction: Early detection of cognitive impairment in the elderly allows us to reduce uncertaintyand improve intervention tasks. The objective of this research was to determine the psychometriccharacteristics of an online screening protocol for early detection of mild impairment in the elderly.Method: the method used was of a mixed type with quantitative and qualitative questions. The sampleconsisted of 75 older people from the greater Concepción, Bio-Bio region. The protocol consistedof: Sociodemographic Questionnaire, Cacho Version Clock Test, Mocha, Yesavage Depression Scaleand Word Stress Test. The procedure consisted of the application of the protocol through a Tablet orLaptop, video calls. Results: It was found that the protocol presents discriminant and convergentvalidity. Conclusions: it is concluded that the online screening protocol for early detection of milddeterioration in the elderly is valid and reliable. The use and application of a screening protocol usingTeleneuropsychology (TeleNP) in older people is discussed